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St Michael's Middle School
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St Michael's Middle School

Careers News and Visits

Throughout the year we have had so many other individuals and professionals involved in our careers programme and a heartfelt thank you goes out to you all for enhancing our Careers Program at St Michael's Middle School.   


June 2024

As part of a pilot careers project, 'Start Small, Dream Big' on 5th June we led a careers activity for our Year 5 & 6 students. It was an exciting, inspirational afternoon with the children being really engaged. 

We started the day with a 'Guess My Career' activity focusing on reducing career gender stereotypes. Can we send a huge thank you to Natalie, Sarah and Natalie for their wonderful contributions - some of the children's initial guesses included a beautician and model!


Natalie is a government certified bodyguard who owns her own security firm, Apollo Protection Services; Sarah a firefighter for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue; and our very own Mrs Hastings who was previously a Royal Naval Officer before becoming a teacher.  Once the pupils had eventually guessed their careers they enjoyed finding out what they do on a daily basis and more about the different routes and qualifications into their careers.



We then had another guest speaker thanks again -Gemma Cole who has written a series of books and created some fantastic 'Shuffle up' games which retail on Amazon - Shuffle Up 

Just to give you a little bit of background on Gemma and her books and games: 

Head Over Heels Gymnastics and Shuffle Up Games provide a variety of resources and training tools to help children, parents, coaches, and teachers enhance their expertise in gymnastics and other sports. Our offerings include gymnastics books, games, posters, lesson plans, and online courses; as well as engaging games for sports like football, tennis, and rugby. We also produce YouTube videos and offer both paid and free resources. 


Gemma then launched our Dragon's Den task where in groups the pupils had to design a game and deliver their pitch to the Dragon's (that was their class in case you were wondering!) The competition continues, as the winner of each class goes head to head with the winners of the other classes in their year group and they compete against the finalist from the other Year group.  Gemma has kindly provided the winners with their own Shuffle Up Game. A perfect and generous prize I am sure you will agree. 

Thanks to all involved for making it such a successful & enjoyable afternoon! 

March & April 2024 - Within PSHE lessons we have had Diversabilities in to lead sessions to each of our Year 5 classes to bring awareness and merge the neurotypical and neurodiverse world together. The pupils used different pieces of equipment to see what it would be like to have a disability & looking at the world from a range of perspectives. Linking in with the 9 protected characteristics and the 2010 Equality Act.

April 2024 - Our Year 7 & 8's found out more about the different routes available including A-Levels, T-Levels, BTECs & Apprenticeships (including at Degree Level) through a guest speaker from Bournemouth & Poole College. 

This was followed by our Year 8 pupils visiting Bournemouth University to find out more about university life, being on campus and what courses and specialisms are on offer there and what considerations there are when looking to apply to a university. 

April we took 35 pupils to Lush Green Hub as part of our enrichment opportunities to give our pupils a chance to visit and experience a workplace as part of our Careers Programme.  The Lush Green Hub is Lush’s commitment to closing the loop on their packaging and water; re-use, repurpose and repair materials and are working towards zero waste. The pupils had a tour of the Green Hub; found out about the different career options available and how they are continually working towards zero waste and sustainability and they even made and brought back their own Lush Bath Bombs.

May - MGA working in collaboration with BAE Systems, The Royal Air Force, and The Royal Navy delivered an engaging theatre roadshow to our Year 7 & 8 students. This STEM aligned roadshow supported our curriculum work in Science on Electricity, as well as aspiring our pupils in the careers available through the Sciences. 

May - Adam Keily from  R7M, Marine Construction is coming in to speak to our Year 7 & 8 pupils about his career as a contract manager as well as also talking about how he started up his martial arts business using his entrepreneurial skills to turn his passion into a successful business. 



June - We have Gabriel from Bistech, a leading IT company - coming to discuss the different careers in Geography & Environmental Science & his role as Business & Sustainability Coordinator. Bistech is a Business IT Solutions Company based in Ferndown, focused on delivering expert technical solutions for customers to support their long-term business goals.

Bistech have also kindly purchased our school a new bench made out of recycled plastic to support sustainability in the community. We thank them hugely for this. 

June - We also look forward to our Year 5 & 6 Careers Event on Wednesday 5th June, as part of the Start Small, Dream Big Pilot Project . A big thank you to those parents who have offered to get involved. 


At the end of February, Hayley Jones, Careers Lead at QE came in to lead some aspirational group sessions with some of our Year 8 sessions focusing on their personal skill sets and how this ties in with future careers.

Our Year 8's also watched an engaging drama performance by Enact shown to all of our Year 8's on Options and Choices.

Our most recent guest speaker, Dr Laura Bennett, came to talk to our Year 7 & 8's about her occupation as a Clinical Psychologist for Oasis Psychology. This included the different qualification routes into Psychology, a range of careers that involve psychology and details of her role - including her salary, her transition from working for the NHS to setting up a private practice and her day-to-day tasks. She commented, 'I really enjoyed speaking with such a receptive group of young people'. 26/2/24

As part of our whole school Health Matters Day - our Year 7s focus was on Careers.

 We were exceptionally lucky to secure lots of guest speakers. Three QE Sixth Form students, along with Hayley Jones (Careers Lead at QE) helped to introduce the day to our Year 7s and talk about life at Upper School and their qualification pathways and the different options on offer. They also gave top tips about what to consider when thinking about GCSE options. 

This was followed by our Career Speed Talks where seventeen guest speakers from a whole host of different industries chatted to our students about their careers and gave them the opportunity to ask a range of questions relating to their careers. We hugely thank them for giving up their time to enrich our day and give our students such a unique and beneficial experience. 

Our Year 7s recently completed a Future Skills Questionnaire which identified a number of areas that students did not feel they knew enough about - which included the different qualification pathways. So we dedicated a whole session to them finding out about the different post 16 options available which include A-Levels, T-Levels, BTECs, Apprenticeships & Traineeships. They also had a session exploring the different careers on offer and the potential salaries. This was followed by time focusing on budgeting your salary and what outgoings as an adult you may have! This was tied in to the local Labour Market Information (LMI) regarding potential salaries in Dorset. 

The students thoroughly enjoyed their day and feedback from all involved in the day was very positive. Once again, a big thank you to all our guest visitors for making it such an enriching, positive experience for all involved. 


The Jon Egging Trust Blue Skies Programme included four sessions in school focussing on developing skills in communication, teamwork, goal setting and resilience. The 13 year 8 pupils enjoyed having the support from Kaye Jackson from JET along with serving personnel from the army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force who assisted our pupils during various fun and challenging activities.  

The fifth session took place at Bournemouth University where our JET team enjoyed taking part in a forensic science workshop run by University students and staff.  Our children had to try and find  who killed Rip the Pig by playing detectives and undertaking tasks including handwriting analysis, footprint identification,  fingerprint analysis and blood splatter patterns. This was followed by role play and the interrogation of the potential suspects which was great fun.   Lunch in the main restaurant was followed by a tour of the amazing facilities and an opportunity to talk and question current university students. Our pupils were very impressed by the opportunities on offer at Bournemouth Uni and felt inspired by what this could offer to them in the future.  The day trip was deemed a huge success by our pupils and by the staff, who thoroughly enjoyed the company of our year 8 pupils. We hope our pupils will continue to draw on their new found skills both in our school and surrounding community.

More photos can be seen here

This week, our Year 8's enjoyed an Options & Choices Performance by Enact Solution. A team of actors delivered a vibrant, multi-media performance focused on the benefits of making the right choices for their future; understanding how the decisions they make now really affect their future; what pathways are available to them in KS4 & how to seek further career support. 

Here is what our pupils thought about the performance:

"Excellent advice!"

"Interactive & made it fun!"

"Professional but funny at the same time!"

"Liked the tip about 'not following your friends options.'

"Informative. I learnt where to find info.and it was funny. I really enjoyed it!"

For more information, check out their website
This brilliant, easy to use website also contains a wealth of information relating to careers and educational pathways  

The Year 7 & 8's were lucky enough to be visited by Jim Cole, Assistant Director for films & advertisements.


Comments from pupils included:

'It made me think about what I wanted to do.'

'It must be so cool being a director.'

Jim inspired the children by telling them about his career, how he got into it and what his role consists of as Assistant Director. He also discussed the wide range of careers within the film industry and the different routes in. He also showed them a few examples of adverts he had been involved in. Coca-Cola: The Chase  & Easyjet - nextGen easyJet and behind the scenes information on how they were created.
He encouraged pupils to consider when they are considering what job / career they want to do to first consider the following questions:

What kind of life do you want to lead?

What kind of person do you want to be and what do you value?

Sarah from CG Fry & Sons led a presentation to our Year 7 & 8s

In December, Sarah from CG Fry & Sons led a presentation to our Year 7 & 8's which outlined the wide range of trades and careers within the construction industry and the different routes into these careers. The pupils enjoyed finding out the variety of careers on offer. 

A group of year 7 Arts award pupils visited AUB

A group of year 7 Arts award pupils visited AUB Arts University Bournemouth and were given the opportunity to tour the facilities.

The students visited the gallery where they enjoyed studying the artwork on display and shared their views with each other and the gallery staff.

Many of the pupils expressed an interest in a future career in the creative arts industry. The feedback from them was extremely positive, as they are now aware of the opportunities that are on offer, having been able to see it in reality.

Photos can be seen here

The Year 7 & 8's were introduced to Dorset Youth Parliament by Hanna from the Youth Voice Team, Dorset Council. They were introduced to what the Dorset Youth Council do and how they go about deciding and actioning positive change in the local area. Our pupils also found out how to become a member of the Dorset Youth Council and how they could put themselves forward for the election to become a Member of Youth Parliament. 

November 2023

Kaye from the Jon Egging Trust met with our Year 8 students to launch their Blue Skies JET programme giving an opportunity for our Year 8 students to apply. 
Kaye spoke to the pupils about how the Jon Egging Trust was founded and their mission to inspire and motivate young people to have high aspirations. This introductory session also introduced children to some of the different career paths within our Armed Forces, covering the Royal Air Force and Army as well as Kaye's own career path.
Once selections have been made for the Blue Skies Jet Programme, a small group of year 8 pupils will commence a series of sessions with Jon Egging Trust supporting their communication skills, teamwork, goal setting and will also engage in an aspirational visit to Bournemouth University.
To find out more information about the Jon Egging Trust click on the following video link: The Jon Egging Trust
November 2023

Michael Tomlinson Visits

Our Year 5 & 6's enjoyed their recent visit from our local MP, Michael Tomlinson, who came to speak to the children about his career as an MP, what he does day to day and what happens in Parliament.  


We were delighted that Simon, from Careys Secret Garden & AND Fragrances, came to talk about his career progression. He engaged pupils by explaining how he had combined his passions with his career, including permaculture, conservation and sustainable consumer choice, and how these choices influence his work.  It was a real inspiration for our pupils.

November 2023


Bournemouth University Trip

On Tuesday 20th June we were able to take 47 pupils to Bournemouth University for a discovery day that included a university life presentation, a campus tour and a student panel question and answer session.  It was a great experience for our pupils and gave them an opportunity to hear about a range of courses on offer at BU as well as get a feel of what a university campus feels like.

On Wednesday 26th April twelve of our year 8 pupils were able to visit Manta Makes

Pupils learnt about Manta Makes being a 'limited' company and what this means.  They were told about how the company had started as a simple idea and has grown to what it is now.

They were given a tour of the premises and saw all the laser cutters, printers and other machinery in action, examples of the products made and the designers working on new computerised ideas. 
We were told about all the different jobs and roles involved in making a successful company. 
The director, the manager and two of the employees from different departments gave career talks, they spoke about their childhood dreams, previous careers, education routes and how they ended up in the job they are now in.
Some wonderful words of wisdom were shared which we hope the pupils will value as they continue their journey ahead.

The trip was such a success we are hoping to give further pupils from year 8 the opportunity to visit this term too

AUB - Creative Careers Talk 

Anna Garrett, the school outreach officer from The Arts  University Bournemouth, led an assembly with our Key Stage 3  pupils in November. 
She explored all the different courses they offer and the huge range of creative careers these can lead in to.
 Pupils were inspired to see examples of people that went to AUB who are now having success in different careers worldwide.

A group of year 7 Arts award pupils visited AUB in February and were given the opportunity to tour the facilities and pose questions to some of the students, the feedback from them was extremely positive as they are now aware of the opportunities that are on offer having been able to see it in reality.

Photos from this visit can be seen here.


We were delighted that Jim, from Jimmy’s Iced Coffee also came to talk about his business, based in Christchurch. He engaged pupils with his background story, how he came up with the idea for his company and how it has become the success it is now.  He had wonderful words of advice and inspiration for our pupils.