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St Michael's Middle School
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St Michael's Middle School

Academy Committee

The Academy Committee meets termly to monitor and scrutinise the school’s performance on behalf of the Initio Learning Trust and to provide support and challenge to the Headteacher in equal measure. The Academy Committee believes passionately in the need for St Michael's to be both supported and challenged to deliver the best for every pupil, working together to drive up educational standards, whilst preserving and developing the school’s religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at Parish and Diocesan level.  In accordance with the Education Act, 1980, copies of the Agenda and Minutes of each meeting are available for inspection at the School.

Contact for Academy Committee -

Clerk to the Academy Committee

 Kari Holmes

Staff AC Members

 Kari Holmes

Parent AC Members

  Paula Goulding; Peter Papworth

Foundation AC Members

 Nicholas Elborne; Helen Hunwick; Suzanne Pattle


 Darren Ayling

Acting Chair

Michelle Vaughton