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St Michael's Middle School
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Collective Worship

Our vision and values are the golden thread that weaves throughout everything we do at St. Michael’s.  Collective worship is a protected time in the school day when we have space to reflect on important issues and take action in our thinking beyond ourselves to develop our character through living the way Jesus taught us.  This provides opportunities for us all to flourish through being aspirational, believing in ourselves and being creative in our approaches.  It is for those of any faith or none and endeavours to help develop our citizens of the future.  For those who have a faith, it is an opportunity to put this faith and belief into action.

We gather together as a school three times a week and have class collective worship or year group worship on the other two days.  Our school band, which comprises of pupils from across the school, provides the opportunity to lead music during whole school worship sessions. 

The Bible characters depicted on the mural in the hall often feature in collective worship and provide inspiration for how to live our lives today so that we are living out our school values.

We make the most of opportunities to share important messages about how to live well together and how to look after the world around us.  We have a range of visitors who come in to lead whole school collective worship once a week.  Links to our British Values, protected characteristics and equality are exploited and explored at every opportunity.  

Our Collective Worship Ambassadors are active in planning the themes for collective worship as well as feeding back their ideas.  They also lead class collective worship sessions and coordinate responses and reflections in tutor group reflection journals.

Class collective worship provides opportunities for us to flourish during our reflections and take action through courageous advocacy.  Every year this includes: Harvest Appeal, Shoebox Appeal, Reverse Advent Calendar, 40 Acts of Kindness Challenge, Christmas and Easter Card making for the more lonely members of our local community.  We have also recently made links with a local care home which our courageous advocates visited and where they read letters (which had been written by pupils from across the school) to the residents.