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St Michael's Middle School
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St Michael's Middle School


A congratulations and thank you trip to the Water Park for the School Ambassadors

A few weeks ago in September  The School Ambassadors, 
House Captains, Deputy House Captains, and EPraise Ambassadors  came together and went on a trip to the water park in the New Forest. 
This was a thank you for the hard work and time that we put in to lead the four houses, manage the
e-praise and for trying to be the best school ambassadors we can be.

We were also given this trip to bond and learn more about each other so we would feel more comfortable asking for help and assistance.
We had great fun and we thank the school for giving us that opportunity and we promise to carry on working as hard as we can.

 By Sophia Bankes House Captain

The school really values the contribution these young people make to this vital role within the school community. As you can see by the photos they had a great time.