SIAMS Inspection.

Excellent result in SIAMS inspection.
Following their successful SIAMS inspection, pictured with pupils at St Michael's CE Middle School are Wimborne Academy Trust Chair of Trustees John Dickson, Headteacher Ron Jenkinson and Wimborne Academy Trust CEO Liz West.
An East Dorset school has been praised for combining high academic achievement with a creative and nurturing environment.
St Michael’s CE Middle School in Wimborne has received the highest possible rating of ‘excellent’ in a recent SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection.
The Wimborne Academy Trust school, the inspector noted, has excellent senior leadership, strong team work, exceptional pastoral care, high academic standards for all and a highly prized creative offering in its curriculum.
Headteacher, Ron Jenkinson, said: “We are absolutely thrilled with our excellent rating and we are delighted the inspector has praised what we believe is the unique offering at our school.
“At St Michael’s we pride ourselves on having high academic aspirations for our pupils combined with providing a well-rounded, creative and spiritual education.
“This fantastic inspection result is testament to the hard work and dedication of all our staff and students.”
Inspector Lizzie McWhirter visited the school at the end of June and following her inspection declared St Michael’s values of aspiration, belief and creativity is lived out daily in an extremely supportive environment.
She said children are inspired to achieve well, staff are relentless in ensuring pupils enjoy school and are passionate about meeting their social and well-being needs.
The report highlighted how extensive pastoral support enriches all learning and enables year-on-year progress with academic standards significantly above average for all pupils.
Creativity at the school was also singled out for praise, with children’s achievements in arts, music and sport regularly celebrated and encouraged.
St Michael’s role in the community and its relationship with the local church was also commended by the inspector.
She noted how St Michael’s supports a school in Sudan, works with local charity Routes to Roots and is a Dorset eco award winner.
St Michael’s ‘excellent’ rating has now made it a hat trick of top results for Wimborne Academy Trust church schools this summer, following recent inspections for St John’s First and Verwood First.
CEO of Wimborne Academy Trust, Liz West, said: “Everyone at the Trust is very proud of St Michael’s for receiving such a fantastic SIAMs report.
“The inspector has captured just what makes St Michael’s such a special school in terms of aspiration and care and we are delighted to have it in our family of schools.”