School Wildlife Pond
School Wildlife Pond Update. By Mrs Atkins school librarian.
The creation of a wildlife pond for the pupils to use as an environmental area in lessons has long been an ambition of mine.
The twentieth year of my working here seemed an ideal opportunity to make this a reality, that was two and a half years ago but all things take time, planning, health and safety, budget, all have to be given serious thought.
As you can see from the gallery it is really beginning to look like a pond rather than a muddy ditch.
Much still to do but mostly a waiting game for nature to take a hold, we already have tadpoles, diving beetles, water boatmen and a toad, to name a few.
Hopefully by next spring the pond dipping area will be secured and information boards up so that the area can be used in science lessons.
Art work made from plastic offcuts from Design Technology is being displayed around the area to enhance the old climbing wall which will eventually be covered by ivy, a great source of early nectar and hibernating habitat for butterflies and other insects.
We are very grateful to Knoll Gardens for a generous donation of flowering plants which are particularly attractive to insects. Twelve different species which will provide a wonderful enrichment to the area.
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