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St Michael's Middle School
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St Michael's Middle School

Year 8 PSHCE Community Project

Year 8 PSHCE Community Project

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The aim of the Community Project was for Year 8 pupils to experience working with people/organisations in the community as part of their learning experience.  Satisfaction and pride are two outcomes which often come from helping others, and this can have a life changing impact on individuals.  
It is the responsibility of the Citizenship (PSHCE) programme at St Michael’s Middle School to instil in young people, the value of giving back to their community. 
Today, people are busy and focused outside of their community, so to help young people experience community service as part of their education, provides them with the chance to give back to the community, and to experience satisfaction and pride going forward.
There is great value in helping others and not being compensated for it with money, which may be a new concept to our pupils.  Our hope is that our pupils will continue to support their communities in this way, even after the project is complete. 
Our Year 8 pupils are creative, active, energetic and often frustrated with the world.  The purpose of this community project is to show community members old and young, that they can gain opportunities, learn new skills and enjoy the company of each other, in harmony.
Our recent project was to work directly with Colehill Nursery and First School.  This gave our Year 8 pupils an opportunity to think about appropriate activities for young children, plan them and then work directly with the young children to ensure they enjoy the activities and are safe and happy throughout.
It was a very successful collaboration and one we hope to continue into the next academic year.