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St Michael's Middle School
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St Michael's Middle School

Christingle Service

Our Christingle services were truly spiritual moments during a busy week when we were able to connect with the ‘thing’ that is bigger than us, for some that is God.  A real sense of peace was felt whilst Christingles were lit and we took the time to reflect  on what peace means for us and how we might be able to help others find peace.

For those who have a faith, our christingles remind us that God gave us the world to take care of and the four seasons are represented by the cocktail sticks with sweets which remind us we have been provided with the means to grow food.  The red ribbon shows God’s love for us through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus, whose blood was shed for us.  The candle represents Jesus being the light of the world and the foil reflects that light, just as we have the opportunity to reflect love and kindness shown to us.

We must remember our responsibility to help others to find peace; to help those in the world who don’t have as much as we do. 
